The THOR-5F is currently under development by NHTSA. The technology for this dummy is based on the THOR-50M but the design is targeting small female specific response curves and injury data. The THOR-5F is the first adult dummy designed with the APTS twin pressure sensors in the abdomen.

NHTSA is currently supporting efforts to complete the design and required technical documentation.


Overall DimensionsTotal WeightFootprint/Work AreaSeated Height
1042.4 x 428.4 x 951.1 mm47.3 kg1042.4 x 428.4 mm788.1 mm
41.0 x 16.9 x 37.4 in104.3 lb41.0 x 16.9 in31 in


Linear Accelerometers Angular RateLoad CellsLoad CellsTilt SensorDisplacement, etc.
Head Axyz, Axyz (redundant)HeadUpper Neck Fxyz, MxyzAcetabulum FxyzHead ΘxyNeck angle Θy
Lower Neck AxyzLower Neck Fxyz, MxyzA.S.I.S L/R Fx, MyThorax ΘxyIRTRACC Upper L/R Dxyz
Thorax/Sternum AxARS xyzClavicle L/R (2x) Fx, (2X) FzFemur L/R Fxyz, MxyzUpper Lumbar ΘxyIRTRACC Lower L/R Dxyz
Pelvis AxyzUpper Arm L/R Fxyz, MxyUpper Tibia Fxyz, MxyPelvis ΘxyAPTS 2 (abdomen pressyre)
Tibia Ax, AyFoot L/R 3X rate xyzThoracic Spine Fxyz, MxyzLower Tibia Fxyz, MxyFoot L/R ΘxyTibia displacement L/R Dx
Foot L/R AxyzLower Arm L/R tbdAchilles TBD
Face 5X Fx