The THOR-50M is a sophisticated dummy for frontal impacts used in NCAP programs world-wide since 2020. Advances compared to the Hybrid HIII-50M dummy include:

  • Neck construction which allows for more translational “head lag” with flexion
  • Thoracic spine includes a flexible rubber link whereas the Hybrid III’s spine is rigid from the lumbar spine to the neck
  • Rib cage designed to better represent human rib geometry and structure and as such higher biofidelity for combined belt and airbag loading
  • Enhanced instrumentation including three-dimensional thoracic deflection measurement system


Overall DimensionsTotal WeightFootprint/Work AreaSeated Height
1015.6 x 486.4 x 1231.4 mm76.6 kg1015.6 x 486.4 mm906.5 mm
40.0 x 19.1 x 48.5 in168.9 lb40.0 x 19.1 in35.7 in


Linear Accelerometers Load CellsLoad CellsTilt SensorDisplacement
Head Axyz, AxyzFace (5X) FxA.S.I.S. L/R Fx, MyHead ΘxyThorax IRTRACC Upper L/R Dxyz
Upper Thoracic Spine AxyzSkull Spring FzAcetabulum L/R FxyzThorax IRTRACC Lower L/R Dxyz
Lower Thoracic Spine AxyzUpper Neck Fxyz, MxyzFemur FxzAbdomen IRTRACC L/R Dxyz
Pelvis AxyzLower Neck Fxyz, MxyzLeg Lower Fxyz, MxyzTibia (Knee) L/R Displacement Dx
Foot L/R AxyzClavicle L/R (4X) Fx & (4X) Fz (total)Upper Tibia Fxyz, MxyAnkle angles L/R Θxyz
Upper Arm L/R Fxyz, MxyzLower Tibia Fxyz, Mxy
Thoracic Spine Fxyz, MxyAchilles L/R Fz